5 Essential Indonesian Spices for Cooking and Where to buy them

Indonesian cuisine uses a wide variety of spices. That’s why you can taste that rich savory flavor in one meal. Some are even recognized globally, like Rendang (beef stew) and Kare Ayam (chicken curry).

What spices to buy when cooking Indonesian dishes?

You can bring the taste of Indonesian delicacies back to your home by learning the types of spices commonly used in a typical Indonesian kitchen.

  1. Coriander

A must-have spice in Indonesian pantry – almost every traditional dishes use coriander powder for seasoning. You’re most likely to find it as one of the ingredients in spice blends. The unique citrusy taste is one of a kind.

The simplest form of dish to use coriander is fried tempeh or tofu. Marinate raw tempeh and tofu in sea salt and coriander powder for 30 minutes before frying them.

The best quality coriander powder has to come from freshly ground seeds, lightly toasted. That way, the powder retains its flavor and fragrance.


  1. Lemongrass

The citrusy scent of lemongrass can be found in soups, stews, curries even in sambal (chili paste). The versatile herb is also an aromatic addition to our classic tea.

We use lemongrass bark in the cooking but many convenient stores offer dried, finely chopped lemongrass in vacuumed packaging to preserve its quality.


  1. Turmeric

For that golden refreshing bowl of sunshine! Turmeric gives Indonesian chicken soup that beautiful distinctive color and flavor. And since fresh turmeric leaves stains on your fingers when peeled off, people nowadays prefer dried or powdered ones for practical reasons.


  1. Cinnamon

Cinnamon or Kayu Manis is rarely used alone. But if you take a look in many Indonesian dishes recipes, Cinnamon is an aromatic spice often paired with other spices to add flavor. The robust taste of cinnamon can be used in foods or herbal drinks.


  1. Ginger

The pungent flavor of ginger and the warmth it gives make it an indispensable spice for Indonesian cuisines and herbal drinks. We often make ginger tea to cast away colds. But various traditional foods also have a hint of ginger spice in them.


Where to buy Indonesian spices in Bali?

Planning to make Rendang at home? It’s easy to find Indonesian ingredients in the traditional wet market. But you may have to buy in a larger amount than you need, since they are sold by weight (ounces). 

Spice Shop in Bali

If you don’t feel convenient going to the market, and still want to buy Indonesian spices –  you can go to a spice specialty store in Bali like Balitaza Green Shop where the seasonings are already grounded and packed for each traditional cuisine.


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