7 healthy and easy ways to increase your anti-oxidant intake

Antioxidants are substances that our body makes naturally. It combats harmful substance called free radicals that have a potential to damage cells and develop illness like cancer, Alzheimer and other inflammatory diseases. This is why the more antioxidants the better. In order to flush out free radicals out of our body, we can boost antioxidant intake through various ways:

  1. Turn down supplements, choose fresh foods!

Rather than eating supplements, our body responds better to eating fresh foods. To bolster your antioxidant level, you can have a variety of fruits and veggies on daily basis. Broccoli, spinach and tomatoes are some of the examples.

  1. Sprinkle herbs and spices on your dishes

Herbs and spices are among anti-oxidant superfoods that you should incorporate on your healthy diet. If your taste bud hates strong flavors, you can start small, say, adding a dash of ginger on your tea, or turmeric to marinade your chicken. You can experiment with the varieties of herbs and spices to make different kinds of recipes to avoid getting bored of the same routine.

  1. The darker the better

Increasing your antioxidant intake is not just about eating leafy greens. In fact, deeper color foods like roselle petals or red grapes are known to contain rich amount of antioxidant. Even apple adds more antioxidant content to your body if you choose to consume it with the skin on!

  1. It takes two to tango

The saying goes for your antioxidant intake. The next time you make mashed potatoes, add grated carrots and broccoli chops that pack weapons to fight against anti-ageing! Or, you can drizzle your sliced tomatoes with olive oil before putting them into the oven. Pairing foods can help our body to absorb antioxidant properties better.

  1. Let´s go nuts!

Snacking on certain nuts can up your antioxidant level. Walnuts are a good source to keep your skin firm, along with its fiber that makes you feel full longer without the craving drama. It is also healthy for your heart. Aside from walnuts, a handful of pecans deliver a generous amount of mineral and antioxidant, plus beta sitosterol for prostate health.

  1. Dark chocolate. Yes!

This is good news for chocoholics and a good reason to eat more chocolate. Dark chocolate contains polyphenols and flavonoids – an indulgent that helps neutralize free-radicals and reduce stress.

  1. Swap coffee with tea for breakfast

According to studies, the perfect time to drink coffee is between 9 to 10 a.m. With that being said you have plenty of time to boost antioxidant intake during breakfast! A cup of roselle tea mixed with ginger and orange creates a zesty tea to lift up your mood.

Balitaza Antioxidant Tea can be your breakfast companion that helps fight free radicals in a delicious way. Made from roselle flowers, ginger, orange and a dash of natural sweetener Stevia leaf, this tea is a perfect palate cleanser to kickstart your day!

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