
Anti Inflammation Tea Leaves 70gr /box

Original price was: Rp 115.000.Current price is: Rp 99.500.

26 in stock

Weight 150 g

Anti-Inflammation Tea diformulasikan untuk membantu meredakan rasa nyeri akibat radang dan melindungi fungsi jantung. Perpaduan jahe, kunyit, jeruk dan cinnamon menciptakan rasa segar dan pedas di setiap cangkirnya. Daun stevia sebagai pengganti gula membuat rasa teh ini manis, lezat dan menyehatkan.

We have created our Balitaza´s owned caffeine-free drink loaded with health benefits. Our anti-inflammation tea is a blend of sweet, tangy and refreshing tastes of ginger, orange, turmeric, cinnamon and stevia leaves – designed to provide you with specific solution to reduce pain, relieve discomfort, and protect your heart from developing risk of inflammatory disease. The tangy orange, tingling ginger and invigorating turmeric, balanced with rich cinnamon and Stevia leaf as natural sugar substitute, is a wakeup call for your taste bud!

Ingredients : turmeric, ginger, orange, cinnamon, stevia leaf

– 1 Box = 10 teapot @450 ml
– All Natural Ingredients
– No Preservative (Tanpa Bahan Pengawet)