Happy Sleeping Tea 35gr /smallcan

IDR 60.000

Kesulitan tidur di malam hari? Happy Sleeeping Tea akan membantu Anda memperoleh istirahat yang nyenyak. Happy Sleeping Tea adalah teh herbal yang diracik dari rempah-rempah pilihan yang dapat mengurangi kadar hormon stress dan menenangkan pikiran. Cocok diminum sebelum tidur.

Dark circle under eye is a visible sign when we lack sleep; but that´s not the only thing happening to our body. When we are sleep deprived, our body produces more stress hormone that damage our skin conditions. If you´re having trouble to get some good sleep, try drink tea that contains mace and fennel that works wonder to improve sleep cycle, which in turn, maintain a healthy nervous system. The sleep-inducing property in Insomnia Tea decreases your nerve tension after a long day of work.

– 1 Small Can = 5 teapot @450ml
– All Natural Ingredients
– No Preservative (Tanpa Bahan Pengawet)
– Pure Herbal

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