Jasmine Tea Leaves 30gr /box

IDR 60.000

Jasmine tea is made by mixing leaves of the tea plant with jasmine blossoms. It is used as a herbal remedy for numerous ailments. It contains anti-oxidants which destroy free radicals, thence slowing the aging progress and lowering ones risk of developing cancer. It reduces bad cholesterol and can help in the prevention of heart attacks.
Other health benefits consist decreasing body fat by burning calories, boosting the immune system, lowering blood pressure, and preventing tooth decay when used as a mouthwash.

Teh yang terbuat dari daun pilihan dan kuntum bunga melati menciptakan ramuan teh herbal yang harum dan menyehatkan. Dibekali dengan kandungan anti oksidan, Jasmine Tea dapat memperlambat penuaan dini. Selain itu, bunga Melati dipercaya dapat mengurangi lemak jahat di dalam tubuh dan melindungi jantung.

– Pure Leaves Tea
– No Preservative (Tanpa Bahan Pengawet)

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