Pure lime slice

With the numerous health benefits of lime, citrus aurantifolia is a hybrid of citrus fruit with green color and small size. The sour taste is used to accentuate the flavor in recipes, especially in Asian cuisines. From hair care to anti-cancer, here are the medicinal properties you can find in slices of lime!


Lime contains ascorbic acid – which makes up more than 30% of recommended intake of vitamin C. it is also a source of vitamin A and E. Aside from that, lime has a rich magnesium and potassium. Lime does not contain fats nor carbs but it is rich in antioxidant and polyphenols especially the pulps.

Healthy acids for your skin

You can make a home remedy to rejuvenate your skin using lime slices. It promotes collagen production as it is able to remove dead skin cells. As previously stated, lime is loaded with vitamin C – which protects your skin from damaging due to infections. It has an astringent property – a compound often found in your skin toner to reduce blemishes.

Regulate blood sugar

Lime contains a high amount of soluble fiber. Meaning, it is an effective substance to help your body absorb sugar and reduce the chance of blood sugar spikes. This is especially benefits for diabetic patients. Just like coconut sugar, lime has low glycemic index so it is safe for diabetic patients.

Moreover, with potassium and magnesium, lime can prevent the risk of getting heart-related diseases as it promotes blood circulation.

Stimulate digestive system

The aroma of freshly squeezed lime is hard to resist. With its natural acidity, lime works its way to our digestive system and stimulate it. This helps improve peristaltic motion throughout intestine and promotes healthy secretion. This is why you´ll feel instant relieved from constipation after taking a warm cup of lime juice.

Decrease the chance of kidney stone formation

The acids in lime may prevent kidney stone from forming. As it is able to increase urinary citrate, the lime consumption may be used as a natural homeopathy.

Promote weight loss

If you´re on a strict diet, incorporating lime may accelerate fat burn. A glass of warm lime water is an effective way to prevent bloating or excessive eating. You should see the results with regular consumption.

Anti-cancer property

The anti cancer property in lime may assist cancer patients during therapy. It reduces free radicals and oxidative stress as it hosts rich antioxidant. Other cancer-fighting properties found in lime include triterpenoid and flavonoids.

Consider adding slices of lime in your diet? The Pure lime slice makes a refreshing infused water made from fresh squeezed limes without artificial sweeteners. Add it to your tea or hot water to enjoy.

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