Reasons butterfly roselle tea could be your next favorite tea!

Did you know that when you brew Butterfly Roselle tea, you are actually brewing petals instead of leaves?

Butterfly Roselle Tea is a blend of dried Butterfly Pea and Roselle flowers. Unlike common tea that might taste bitter, Butterfly Roselle tea has citrusy flavor which quickly reminds us of the taste of cranberries.

The gorgeous deep red color is the result of high antioxidant property in both Butterfly Pea and Roselle – thanks to anthocyanin – a substance that can also be found in berries.

Aside from the nice shade, you´ll be amazed by what the compounds within the petals can do for your body! Who knows, Butterfly Roselle Tea could be your favorite beverage after reading its whole lot of benefits?

  1. Lower your blood pressure

What could be more fun than lowering your blood pressure effortlessly? Uncontrolled high blood pressure can lead to many health risks, including heart attack and complications. The mixed compounds in Butterfly Roselle tea can help lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure – making it a perfect drink after meal. The citrusy taste might also be a perfect replacement for wine!

  1. Natural laxatives

Roselle tea is known to aid digestion. It promotes heathy digestive system by acting as natural laxatives. Thus, it benefits for patients with constipation or irritable bowel syndrome as it stimulates the digestive system.

But caffeine is also a natural laxative? Yes it is, but some people experience stomach upset after drinking caffeinated beverage. Hence, switching to a milder form of laxative is highly-recommended.

  1. It´s liver-friendly

Our liver plays a crucial role to detoxify toxic matters that enter our body. A study to evaluate hibiscus extract suggests that Roselle contains anti-hepatotoxic that can treat liver disorder and even elevate the level of antioxidant.

  1. Rich in Vitamin C (richer than you think!)

The Vitamin C in Roselle is 9 times stronger than in citrus orange! Additionally, it is also high in Calcium and Magnesium. This is a great way to alternate your Vitamin C daily consumption, in case you get bored of guava or orange juice.

Which brings us to number #5 …

  1. Prevent flu

Influenza virus can affect anyone at any age. This is why Harvard research suggests us to take 200mg of Vitamin C per day, to reduce cold symptoms. And this tea has the potent ingredient to resist or block the spread of viruses because of that.

  1. Natural anti-depressant

Researchers found that regular use of butterfly pea flower petals lower blood glucose levels. This means that these petals boast anti-diabetic property.

  1. Brain-booster

If you want a caffeine-free drink but still want to be focused on your workloads, butterfly pea compounds help to improve our neuro system so that our memory is enhanced.

  1. Beat the heat

Butterfly Roselle Ice Tea can be the ultimate thirst quencher but you can still take it to the next level. For your enjoyment, you can stir any of your favorite spirit with rosella tea to make cocktails. Pour some Vodka, crushed ice and Orange juice in your tea, and enjoy the tropical party!

Now that you know that Roselle can do wonder, consider brewing a cup of Butterfly Roselle Tea that keeps you strong and healthy.

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