Turmeric ginger is your dynamic duo to fight pains

Do you often take painkillers to relieve your aches? What if there are traditional healing medicines that helps reduce the pains with no side effects? Perhaps, it´s time to turn to natural remedies that are believed to be effective, safe and tastes delicious, too!

Breaking down turmeric and ginger properties

Turmeric, as a spice does not only add the golden color to curry but researchers have found many health benefits that comes with it.

In Indonesia, turmeric is a popular ‘jamu (herbal drink) ingredient often mixed with tamarind and coconut sugar to create Kunyit Asam herbal drink – a refreshing traditional beverage believed to improve digestive system, relieve menstrual pains, and accelerate metabolism. As a topical ailment, turmeric is used to relieve pains from bruises or strains. The healing power of turmeric comes from its property called Curcumin. This active ingredient is touted as anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory sources.

Ginger has quite an opposite taste from Turmeric. It is zesty and delivers tingling sensation to the throat – which often used to treating cough. Ginger consumption in Indonesia is not limited to dishes. It becomes the holy grail beverage on cold days with lots of variants sold in warungs and restaurants, starting from Bir Pletok, Wedang Uwuh, Ronde, Sekoteng to Bajigur. However, a classic homemade ginger drink is the most-loved by all, either served hot or cold. It is made from freshly grated ginger brewed with coconut sugar to tame down the piquant taste.

The healing effect of ginger is not a placebo effect. Studies have agreed that ginger relieves us from nausea, and also calms an upset stomach. A few clinical evidences prove that ginger reduces swelling, and lower blood sugar and cholesterol level.

Turmeric and ginger is a great pair!

The blend makes a unique flavor of sweet, earthy and spicy in a cup – an aromatic therapy for your body and spirit. When combined, Turmeric and Ginger provides an optimum benefit for health due to the impressive medicinal properties they contain. The dynamic duo acts as antiviral, antioxidant, and anti-infection – boosting the level of your immune system.

With this in mind, we are inspired to create a tea blend that consists of the two super roots. Whether you want to start the day or end it, a bold taste of these flavorful herbs is the soothing companion to be enjoyed any time of the day. Smoothen the flavor by adding milk and coconut sugar, or make it subtly tangy with a few slices of lime!

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